作者: | Dr Kan Chung Kan Clara, Dr Kee Chi Hing, MH, JP, Mr Lawrence Lui Wai-ching |
年份: | 2024 |
簡介: | The purpose of this book – Social Enterprise Marketing: Enhancing Effectiveness of Social Business – is to help fill some of the knowledge gaps in SE marketing. In the discussion, sales and services are considered as parts of the larger social business marketing ecosystem. This book organizes a set of body of knowledge (BOK) from FSES to address the prevailing problem in social business marketing and operationalization. The suggestions are drawn from years of experience of FSES knowledge volunteers since its inception – business coaching, teaching and training, capacity building activities and bridging SEs with corporate social responsibility(CSR) initiatives of commercial organisations. This book is meant to be a tool-kit approach practical guide in the social entrepreneurial context, targeting passionate social entrepreneurs or SE operators who may have limited experiences. |
作者: | Kwan Chi Hong (Ted), Ng Suet Yi (Michelle), Law Po Lok (Polar) |
年份: | 2022 |
簡介: | Examining the knowledge of consumers toward the social enterprise (SE) and the consumption pattern and consumer behavior in Hong Kongct and understanding the willingness of the consumer to spend on social enterprise. |
作者: | Prof Angela Wong, Dr CA Tse |
年份: | 2014 |
簡介: | 信徒生活與經濟密不可分,資本主義對衣 ,食,住,行,甚至教會運作的影響甚大。 本書從12個社會企業的實際例子出發,深 度訪談社企 創業者、知識型義工、社會創 新者以及社企服務參與者,了解他們如何 活用制度,為市場注入人情和尊重,並幫 助受助者自食其力,得到尊嚴和滿足;盼能重 新演繹經濟以家庭和人的生活治理 為中心的意思,挑戰身為基督徒的我們, 如何以創意認真回應上主的召命,不輕易 向制度和權力屈膝。 |
作者: | Kwan Chi Hong Ted, Lee Ho Samuel, Lee Kim Man Erica |
年份: | 2020 |
簡介: | Social Impact Measurement (SIM) is gaining popularity among funders, NGOs, colleagues, and stakeholders of social projects in Hong Kong. However, there is no single fast rule to determine the relevant impact indicators for social projects, and SIM practitioners are adopting different approaches. Nevertheless, many would agree that the impact indicators should not only reflect what has been done but also provide guidance to enhance future social impact. In this regard, this workbook was created with a stage-by-stage approach; each stage has a template to lead brainstorming exercises reasonableness of the social project from inception to completion. |
作者: | Kwan Chi Hong Ted, Lee Ho Samuel, Lee Kim Man Erica |
年份: | 2021 |
簡介: | This set of templates originated from our previous workbook - "Social Impact Measurement - A step-by-step approach to devising outcome indicators". For many social sector practitioners, they are usually busy at work in dealing with the project's beneficiaries, this set of templates provides a quicker way to scrutinize the project's purpose, logic and expected results, i.e. Why, How & What aspects of the project. |
作者: | Kwan Chi Hong Ted |
年份: | 2022 |
簡介: | This book aims to serve the following purposes: 1. To give further knowledge and tips in using the Workbook 2. To explain why Social Impact Measurement (SIM) is an important component in the Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) cycle, as well as its relationship with MEL. |
作者: | FSES |
年份: | 2022 |
簡介: | 此小冊子是賽馬會豐盛社會效益量度培訓 計劃下的學員的努力成果,我們 嘗試以 「一頁紙」的方式去呈現社福項目之社會效 益,並附加量化指標,當中涉 及不同社會 目的及不同受眾的項目有42個。 豐盛一直 提倡用簡易方式去呈現項目的「為什麼」、 「如何做」及「做了什麼果效」,讓人能一目 了然,更快速地掌握項目之概要。 |
作者: | Kee Chi-hing, Chiu Lap-kee, Jimmy |
年份: | 2013 |
簡介: | Social Enterprise UK had commissioned “The State of Social Enterprise Survey 2013” which provides data on performance of SEs in the UK. |
作者: | NG Chui-ha (Tracy), IP Tsz-ying (Daphne) |
年份: | 2013 |
簡介: | Delivering social good missions in the form of project is not new, but sometimes even the project participants may have the conundrums if the project exists or it may not be oriented toward project management requirements. |
作者: | Kee Chi Hing & Clara Kan |
年份: | 2016 |
簡介: | Evolution of Social Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong since 2001(infographic) |
年份: | 2021 |
簡介: | 社創校園分為四大服務範疇︰(一)社創教育、(二)多元出路、(三)青年社創及(四)指導同行,不單支援前線教師教學,亦為學生提供轉化式的學習、培訓與實踐機會,為長遠的未來發展提供充分的支援。我們已逐步建立一個由小學、中學、大學、社企、社福、商、政等多個界別組成的社創教育協作平台,活動亦越趨多元化及彈性,以切合不同學校及學生的學習需要。 |
作者: | 紀治興、陳國芳、謝思熹 編著 |
年份: | 2021 |
簡介: | 神學不應止於頭腦上的認知、抽象概念的探索,更必須具備跨科際整合的決心,聚焦於實作等問題,不住叩問如何實踐,才能擺脫空想的象牙塔式神學迷陣,為世界帶來轉化。本書以聖言開始,給讀者示範如何與經文摔跤,發掘經文蘊藏的務實應世智慧,接著指出實踐神學研究的新路向,再輔以三個領域的實踐啟迪—牧養、職場和社企,最後以個人生命轉化作結,包括聖經人物的轉化歷程和踐行者的個人見證。 |
年份: | 2020 |
簡介: | 本文集特意交由三位小記者執筆,希望從年青人的角度,報道六家社企 (嗎哪、共廚家作、星匠、樂柔美、瑜樂伽及綠行俠) 的故事。他們的故事各具特色,希望讀者可以從中感受到,由豐盛社企學會提倡的施受轉化價值,並透過支持社企及社創發展,達致與弱勢同行。而Glory Moment亦參與了文集的統籌和設計工作。 |
作者: | Kee Chi Hing & Susanna Chui |
年份: | 2020 |
簡介: | This book has been designed as an introduction to the subject of social entrepreneurship from a skill approach. It is designed to provide the basic skills to plan, implement, lead and control for social enterprise practices that aim to create social change. If you are new to the subject and interested in setting up a social enterprise, this book has been written with you in mind. |
作者: | 紀治興、陳國芳、吳志海編 |
年份: | 2019 |
簡介: | 本書嘗試回應現今教會面對的挑戰,包括教牧缺乏領導力、愛與關懷不足、講道教導與生活無關等。作者提出「解經又解難」的進路。解經是要採取「與經文摔跤」的態度,務求基於身處的文明去解讀聖經對今天生活的指示... |
作者: | Wong Ching Hung Eva, Kee Chi Hing & Kan Chung Kan Clara |
年份: | 2019 |
簡介: | The booklet is to share how SEs can work more closely with corporations on corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives for WIN-WIN situation. It aims at helping SE operators to apply design thinking in writing proposals to corporation and/or funders to seek their support... |
作者: | 紀治興,陳國芳,吳志海,郭偉聯等 |
年份: | 2018 |
簡介: | 結合聖經的價值觀及務實智慧,讓信仰落地造福社會 |
作者: | Kee Chi Hing & Cheng Yiu Tung |
年份: | 2016 |
簡介: | The book was written for students who want to write a business plan for starting up a social enterprise in Hong Kong. The main reason why small business fails is that the entrepreneurs have no idea on how to reach breakeven. |
年份: | 2017 |
簡介: | 這是社創校園通通識計劃(Social Entrepreneurship School Education Program,SENSE 2015-2017)的成果分享集,紀錄計劃的由來及各大活動階段成果。自2015年9月,在社創基金各界的支持下,計劃深受師生歡迎,得以順利並提前完成,並走進155間學校,並接觸超過15,000名學生。 |
作者: | Kee Chi Hing & Clara Kan |
年份: | 2016 |
簡介: | The Hong Kong government starts to implement policies that encourage social entrepreneurship in 2001. The social enterprise (SE) sector is growing rapidly since. An SE sector ecosystem is built up to actualize social return on such investment over the years. Further diffusion of social entrepreneurship is enabled with new collaborations between government, social and commercial sectors. |
作者: | Kee Chi Hing, Ted Kwan, Joseph Chan & Tracy Ng |
年份: | 2016 |
簡介: | Measurement is important because it shows the magnitude of changes. Impartial social impact measurement encourages improvement on current practices, provides insights in best practices and allows objective presentation of social impact created |
作者: | Kee Chi Hing, Ted Kwan & Clara Kan |
年份: | 2016 |
簡介: | The method used for assessing the social enterprises (SE) sector is arousing enormous attention in many countries as the momentum of social entrepreneurship gathers. This paper takes the approach of comparative analysis in assessment. |
年份: | 2015 |
簡介: | Social enterprise x environmental .Social , governance (esg) reporting –crossover in practice &action |
作者: | Kee Chi Hing & Clara Kan |
年份: | 2015 |
簡介: | Social Enterprise: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions; History of HK Government Policies in Social Enterprise |
作者: | 紀治興、陳國芳 |
年份: | 2014 |
簡介: | 社會企業長遠要成功,商界的助力不可勿視。企業支持社企,起碼有五種步法,包括成為社企教練、成立社會公司、良心消費、協助推廣、和外判工序等。 |
作者: | 黃慧貞、謝思熹 |
年份: | 2014 |
簡介: | 信徒生活與經濟密不可分,資本主義對衣,食,住,行,甚至教會運作的影響甚大。本書從12個社會企業的實際例子出發,深度訪談社企 創業者、知識型義工、社會創新者以及社企服務參與者,了解他們如何活用制度,為市場注入人情和尊重,並幫助受助者自食其力,得到尊嚴和滿足;盼能重 新演繹經濟以家庭和人的生活治理為中心的意思,挑戰身為基督徒的我們,如何以創意認真回應上主的召命,不輕易向制度和權力屈膝。 |
作者: | 紀治興、陳國芳 |
年份: | 2012 |
簡介: | 透過理論與各社會企業的透過理論與各社會企業的實踐經驗,展現出天國使命與營商之間的特殊關係。而基督徒營辦的社會企業、創新社關,又如何表達出其獨特的信仰價值,並以信仰化為行動,改變社會? |
作者: | 紀治興、關志康、陳國芳 |
年份: | 2013 |
簡介: | 社會創業運動在香港方興未艾,而社會企業這概念充滿著可能性,令人產生無限想象。《社會企業:信仰實踐與反思》一書的編撰旨讓更多人認識社企,也深化其理念基礎,教社企運動可更邁開腳步,奮力前進。本書上半部談社企的實踐經驗,縷述一個一個道成肉身的生命故事和應用性反思,好讓後來踐行者少走彎路;下半部是學術性神學反思,梳理社企在靈性及道德倫理可發揮之處,以助往後建構紮實的社企神學。 |
作者: | 紀治興、簡仲勤、吳翠霞 |
年份: | 2013 |
簡介: | 本書《十行一善》以「2012十一良心消費月」作為主要個案例子,嘗試說明「社會營銷」的概念如何在現實中實踐,以及活動過程中累積了 哪些可供日後借鏡的經驗。此外,作者也歸納了幾項從事社會營銷時的一些工具和技巧,以便讀者 策劃項目時可以自我提醒。如欲購買, 請與基道書樓聯絡。 |
作者: | 紀治興、鄭敏華 |
年份: | 2011 |
簡介: | 本集香港髮藝行業承傳回顧、美髮貼士、以髮型師為例的員工心志成長培訓錦囊,和良心企業經營法門於一身的雜誌式專題書——「理髮」成為有規模的行業,在香港長足發展才不過近幾十年間的事。技術上,業界不斷吸收外來知識,與世界接軌,推陳出新。但究竟香港理髮行業於過去數十年間,有何流派? 一剪就六十多年的髮型老師師早年如何入行?要掌握既是技術,又是藝術的手作行業,不同定位的髮廊又有何心得?九十年代以後的星 級髮型師,又是如何練成? |
作者: | 紀治興、鄭敏華 |
年份: | 2008 |
簡介: | 香港首本關於社會企業營運的「理論與實踐」經驗分享書籍,闡述以營商作為實踐社會使命一種方法的具體對策,以及中小企面對經濟順逆皆不容忽略的營商技巧。 內容包括宏觀的社企生態剖析,及企業由起步階段至擴展規模所需的各種紮實準備功夫,是社福界、商界人士以至中小企業都具參考價值的營商工具書。 |
作者: | Kee Chi-Hing, Kwan Chi Hong Ted |
年份: | 2011 |
作者: | Kee Chi-Hing, Kwan Chi Hong Ted |
年份: | 2011 |
作者: | Kee Chi-Hing, Kwan Chi Hong Ted |
年份: | 2011 |
作者: | Kee Chi-Hing, Kwan Chi Hong Ted |
年份: | 2011 |
作者: | Kee Chi-Hing |
年份: | 2013 |
作者: | Kee Chi-Hing |
年份: | 2013 |